All original photos belong to Melissa Hamersma Sievers, Sieversma Photography. Linked images as reference will be cited.

Prints of many of these images are for sale.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Checking in on 365

Today begins month three, so far so good!! My difficulty with this project is that I place big expectations on myself. In my mind, I should post stellar work everyday. Really my primary goal has been to try to get as many photos 'right' in the camera and do as little post processing as possible. So far I've done alright with that. I try to make a point to mention if I've done any editing on an image. I still forget occasionally.

I used this opportunity to try to work through skill sets, like lighting portraits on location.

Day 26

I've enjoyed working on light stencils and light painting ideas.

Day 9

Day 17

And I've posted some scenic images that I'm fond of.

Day 51

But other days I end up taking a photo of the food that I'm heating in the microwave for the day. I'm not going to post that pic here, but you can find it my flickr photo stream. Click on one of the posted pics and explore!

I am doing better at thinking ahead to possible photo options as the week goes on. I try to stage some of my more creative attempts for days that are lackluster. Photos that use light stencils take some time to prepare, so I try to pile up ideas with those.

A person wouldn't think that it's difficult to take a photograph every day. But, it kind of is tricky to try and find something compelling to take a picture of. Even if it is just different colors of dish soap on the shelf in a grocery store. Chilling out and not making the project a burden takes some practice. If you try this activity some day, don't be too hard on yourself, that's no fun.

For me, photography has been very therapeutic. My husband and I have been trying to start a family for two and a half years. We started 2010 recovering from a miscarriage. We ended 2010 healing as well, from a second miscarriage in August/September and preparing for a diagnostic surgery.
Day 19
It has been a blessing to have photography to distract me and keep me occupied. Even if the project drives me crazy on occasion.

As the year goes on, I'm sure my stream may reflect a few ups and downs. I try to find positive things to photograph. I want my stream to show the things that make my life meaningful too. I expect a lot of photos of my cats and dog. And maybe a few with my husband. We have a lot of fun together and he's nice enough to go along with my photo ideas.

Day 45

What a blessing to be able to document life through a lens. I feel that I look at things differently already and am more creative for more of my photos. Hopefully I can keep that attitude for the next ten months!

If you have ideas regarding themes, or techniques that I should consider for future photos, please comment below!! I've gone to a few times to see if the word of the day inspires me. It has been the theme of a couple photos. I look forward to reading your suggestions!

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