All original photos belong to Melissa Hamersma Sievers, Sieversma Photography. Linked images as reference will be cited.

Prints of many of these images are for sale.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Butterfly Migration 2016

As a photographer I enjoy documenting the changing seasons. You might think, "Of course, spring summer, fall and winter!" And you're correct... but I love, more specifically, the movement that distinguish these unique times of year. Each winter I look forward to documenting the bald eagles below Gavins Point Dam in Yankton. As spring draws closer some of the mighty birds extend their flight path north and east near our fields. I appreciate being on the migration path for geese.

And as summer draws to a close, we greet Monarch butterflies migrating to Mexico. I'm not sure what draws them to our trees, but I'm always happy to see them. They've been a regular visitor for the last couple years, only missing one season. These are not the friends that we'll see again next year, but I'm glad that they pass along to their successors that we're a welcoming stop.

I have missed the appearance of swarms earlier in the week. I spent a little time watching them settle in for the night last night, it's such a relaxing way to wrap up the week. And this morning after a cup of coffee I headed out into our yard to watch as they warmed and woke for the day. Soon they'll head on down the road and perhaps others will take up their place tonight.

I don't believe that we get butterflies visiting as they head north. I wonder where their path takes them that they bypass us each spring.

Their visit is so fleeting. May the breeze be warm and at your back. And tell your friends that we'll be here next year too.

Prints are available for sale here.