All original photos belong to Melissa Hamersma Sievers, Sieversma Photography. Linked images as reference will be cited.

Prints of many of these images are for sale.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Study of Office Supplies

This week I find myself with some spare time on my hands as I wait for things to happen. Some people read, others play Angry Birds and still others play Sudoku. I do all of these things too, but sometimes I work to create images. I recently acquired a Canon EOS M camera. There is extra motivation to play with it and figure out some of the things that it can do. With a flashlight, small gorilla pod and camera... I'm all set to sit and take photos. But, what should I photgraph? I rummage through our desk and grab a few paperclips, thumbtacks, post it notes and paper. I'm set to create a small studio and fiddle away a few moments. No harm, I'm still where I need to be for work when events get going. I can fidget away without notice from others. Here are a few images that I made. They're nothing too amazing, but I think that they're fun. Study of Office Supplies Study of Office Supplies